Thursday, November 24, 2005

Take this phone and shove it...

Empty_tp_rollWe’ve all heard the phrase “anal retentive”, but this person gives it a new meaning.

Police in Romania were able to thwart a would-be mobile phone thief by dialing the stolen phone’s number… and hearing it ring from inside the thief’s butt. Yes, I said in her butt.

What wasn’t reported was the fact that until Romania got cellular service, this lady was well known for cramming entire payphones up her bottom. Fortunately, I missed that particular pay-per-view event.

The phone’s manufacturer was quick to point out that this proved their claim that the phone was both sleek and comfortable, and also mentioned something about possibly using this incident in their advertisements, where they would promote the fact that of the phone did, after all, get reception in her butt.

“Can you hear me now?”

So sayeth Angry Internet Guy, the only voice that really matters on the web.