People who sue McDonalds because they are fat

Ok, this one really baffles me. We live in a world where people can eat nothing but McDonalds if they so desire, and then try and sue McDonalds because they got fat? Are you freakin' kidding me?
It isn't as if McDonalds was promoting their SuperSize fries as diet food. They've got a burger called the Big Mac. Not the diet mac, but BIG MAC. Big. Full of fattening grease and sauce. And good. REEEEeeeeally good. Good enough to want more than one. But not good enough to qualify as being addicting, as some have claimed. I mean, if you don't have the self control to "not" eat 5 Big Macs a day, then you're going to get fat. Deal with it. I'm sorry, but all you have to do is -NOT- eat tons of Big Macs instead of -EATING- tons of Big Macs, and your weight issue will kinda start going away, or at least not get worse. As a wise man (er, Vogon) once said, "Apathetic bloody planet. I've got no sympathy at all." I love Big Macs (as well as most everything else on the Mickey-D's menu), but I don't eat them all day, every day, and once in a while I have a carrot. It's not really that difficult to figure out, for Christ's sake.
Another great lawsuit is the whole slew of them against the tobacco companies. It says right on the package "This $#!+ will kill you", and yet people buy them and then wonder why they can't breathe. I smoke about a pack a day. Been smoking since I was 11, and I'm now 32. That's 21 years. I knew going into it that they were bad for me, but I didn't care. I wanted to look cool. (Of course, they're no longer in fashion, and smokers are treated as social pariahs... So much for my social life, huh?)
Angry Internet Guy says, "If you do something stupid and it makes you unhappy, that's your own fault, so stop freakin' complaining about how society steered you wrong and change your own habit, dumbass!"
That is a lot of extra elbow fat. You could fit like 15 Big Macs in that enourmous fat-sack.
The pic was Googled (actually came from, so its in somebody else's blog... Thanks to the mysterious benefactor)
Thank you for the compliment on the writing. I appreciate it when somebody actually takes the time to let me know that they've read it, rather than simply "buzzed by" through Blog Explosion or some other "visit but don't actually read" services.
So sayeth Angry Internet Guy, the only voice that "really" matters on the web.
Delayed comments are annoying, but this is picture is a fear of mine. Lunch Lady arms are just not good.
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