Parents who blame TV or the internet for their child's problems

If parents spend time with their kids and simply teach them what is (or is not) acceptable, then the kids will more easily be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy on the tube.
When I was a kid, I was extremely sheltered by Bible-thumping parents. I wasn't even allowed to watch Scooby Doo because it had ghosts. Aside from the fact that they always turned out to be some guy in a ghost costume, my parents decided that it was inappropriate for a child to watch. Instead, I was only allowed to watch such parent-approved shows such as Mr. Rogers and Anne of Green Gables.
How did this affect me? I turned out horribly. I'm a bad person. Bad, bad, bad. You know "the guy your mnother warned you about"? I'm not him. I'm the guy your mother never even knew existed in her worst nightmares.
But is this because of TV? Nope. I was a smart kid, and I could always tell the difference between reality and fantasy. What negatively affected me was poor parenting skills, plain and simple. Sure, they meant well, and their heart was in the right place, but they screwed up.
On the other side of the coin, there's the parents who let their kids watch anything they want, and who purchase inappropriate games for their 8 year old kids. Don't get me wrong... I love GTA: Vice City, for example, but it's obviously not appropriate for an impressionable 8 year old boy.
The bottom line is this... Bad TV doesn't make bad kids. Bad PARENTS make bad kids.
If you want your kid to grow up relatively well adjusted, you need to teach them moderation. Moderate alcohol. Moderate partying. Moderate exercise. Everything is ok, as long as it's in moderation. Too much of anything is bad for you. Even too much oxygen is bad for you, so obviously too much of something bad for you is going to be worse.
Angry Internet Guy says, "Be a good parent. Spend some quality time beating your kids."
I grew up on Looney Tunes. To this day, I have never tried to drop an anvil on someone's head. I wouldn't even know where to find an anvil.
Well said that man!
Cool... I was hoping that my "Spend some quality time beating your kids" remark would get some folks to leave comments. :)
So sayeth Angry Internet Guy, the only voice that "really" matters on the web.
Violent? I have never EVER been assaulted in any way by a television or a movie... That is VHS right?
Well said...I think parents should actually unplug the TV and Video Games for a month and try spending some quality time with their kids.
Why is it the get a life comments are always anonymous ?
yeah, I noticed that too. It's the darndest thing, huh? LOL
So sayeth Angry Internet Guy, the only voice that "really" matters on the web.
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