The incredible 28 inch ding dong...

But Trojan, knowing that most men are insecure about their masculinity, decided to capitalize on this by basically announcing that if you don't buy the extra large condoms (at that time they were sold only by Trojan), then you must have a small penis. This sales tactic worked (and still works) especially well in stores with a cute young female clerk running the register, because guys cannot resist the temptation to (even indirectly) brag about how large they are in that department... You guys know what I mean... the sly grin as they make a huge point of "accidentally" drawing attention to the pack of Magnums during the checkout procedure.
Angry Internet Guy says, "Only an idiot would fall for such blatant tactics. (Besides they're too small for Angry Internet Guy anyway.)"
If it's too small for Internet Guy, then what does Internet Guy do for protection ?
Not to worry, because Angry Internet Guy always practices safe sex. (I tell her my name is Frank.)
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