Well, I now own, and I'll probably turn it into some huge internet phenomenon, but for now, it's just a little hobby of mine.
What's a BlogBand, you ask? It's that "I Stand For Nothing!" thing (or whatever might be up there by the time you read this) you see on the top right of your screen. By the way, if you don't see it, get a real browser because you're outdated.
I'm attempting to develop a script to allow my visitors to make their own, but in the meantime, I'll be creating them by hand.
If you have a request for some particular BlogBand slogan, LEAVE A COMMENT, and I'll see about making it available on the site.
For now, you'll have to be content with what you see here.
Good idea. I'll have to think of a slogan or two.
then again, "I stand for nothing" pretty much says it all.
Thanks! I was hoping at least one person out there would like it. ;)
I'll likely create a bunch of them and then simply have them available in a cut/paste gallery type setup, etc.
I'm fooling around right now in an attempt to create a "random BlogBand" script (for once there are several of them.)
So sayeth Angry Internet Guy, the only voice that "really" matters on the web.
I notice you have me in your Blogroll. Just to let you know that my URL has changed to
I used to be at blogspot.
There are now several choices available on the site.
Duplex -
Fixed. (You posted this right as I happened to be in here writing my own comment...)
Excellent work. That "toke toke pass" one is hilarious.
how about a "who cares about seals" blog ribbon? that would be cool
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