Screwing with my DVD remote

Ok, here's one that really upsets Angry Internet Guy. You buy or rent a DVD, take it home, pop it in the player, and the get forced to watch these damn previews, FBI warnings in 87 different languages, and the most recent offender to my delicate sensibilities, the "Downloading a movie is stealing" clip.
Listen, if you want to put this crap on there, fine. Put it in the special features and let people decide if they want to watch it. Nobody wants to be forced to watch 20 minutes of upcoming releases. If they do want to see what's coming out soon, they'll be just as glad to click the appropriate "Upcoming releases" item in the menu. Annoying the rest of us with this crap is just wrong.
And while I'm on the topic, the whole "downloading movies is stealing" campaign is a waste of time and money. A recent poll taken in one of the more active sources of bootleg movies resulted in the following:
84% said that they would buy the DVD instead of bootlegging it if they weren't priced so insanely high. (Come on, a blank disc costs well under a buck, and then they sell it for a MSRP of $34.99. Give me a freakin' break.)
86% said that they had purchased a DVD within the last 2 months after watching a bootleg and determining that they liked the movie, and that if they hadn't watched the bootleg, they would not have risked wasting the money to purchase the DVD.
78% said that anti-piracy campaigns had zero effect on whether they would download or purchase any given movie.
68% reported that they now exclusively watch downloaded bootlegs simply to avoid the annoying crap at the beginning of the disc, particularly when the DVD locks out your remote control (ie - can't press the "skip" button.)
99% reported that they would rather risk prosecution for piracy than risk being seen renting a Pauly Shore movie.
Personally, I'd rather boycott the DVD altogether than deal with 10 minutes of crap that I can't skip over because someone thought it would be a good idea to lock out my remote and force this garbage down my throat. At least with VHS, you could fast forward through the crap to get to the movie, but as with any new technology, someone always finds a way to take a perfectly good feature and abuse it to the point of pissing everybody off.
Angry Internet Guy says, "Stop locking out my remote control buttons or I'll drive to Hollywood and kick each and every one of you in the nuts!"
Here in England, we've had government ministers going on TV/radio saying how downloading movies from the internet supports terrorism.
How exactly?
The same way that marijuana supports terrorism or free thought supports terrorism. Basically, anything that the government can't effectively tax supports terrorism according to them.
You know, it reminds me of the time I visited this street vendor selling bootleg DVDs and he explained to me that he was only doing it so that he could raise enough money to buy a really good bomb.
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